Principal's Message

Principal's Message

As the fourth Principal of Campus School and Jr. College, I would like to speak a few words to express my impression and expectation on the school. Even though I just officially took up the Principalship on 1st Dec 2021, I do know the school well. As a teacher in the past, I know that students are good in not only academic area but also sports, leadership and organizing activities.

A part from striking for advancement in academic achievement, the school also nurtures students with good and proper attitude and values. The formal and informal curricula on language, mathematics, science, and physical development have developed student multiple intelligence and aptitude for life-long learning. The school will offers countless opportunities for students to take part in all sorts of co-curricular activities and community services to broaden their exposure and insight.

The achievements of the school do not come easy. The drive for excellence permeates deeply the school culture.

Being a principal, I have a strong belief to promote harmony, dedication and win-win scenario for everyone in school. Harmony can be interpreted as 'team cohesion'. As long as we have a dedicated team aiming for the same goals, anything can be achieved.

As a new principal to the school, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the entire staff for your professionalism and commitment in building a solid foundation of the school, thank the parents for your support of the school and thank students for your diligent work and engagement in the school.

In my career of more than one-quarter of century, even though I have changed my job twice only, I do believe that I have the talent of coping with new challenges, new environment, new students, new colleagues and new parents well. I really like the school culture on all-round development of students and emphasis on student learning processes. My expectation is high on the quality of our teachers in classroom teaching facilitating student’s development in multiple intelligence outside classroom. So, don’t be surprised when I walk in the classroom to have lesson observation, or join after school programmes, such as music or skit practices, etc. It is my responsibility to continue the excellent culture and maintain sustainable advancement in the future. From now on, the spirit of our school is deeply rooted in my mind.












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