General Instructions

General Instructions

General Instructions

I. New School Uniform 2024-25

Uniform patterns for the different sections is as follows

1. Primary (Std I to IV)

  • Girls: Frock with black knee length tights
  • Boys: Shirt and half pants

2. Secondary(Std V to X)

  • Girls(upto Std X): Shirt with skirt and black knee lenght tights

  • Boys(Std V to VII): Shirt and half pants

  • (Std VIII to X): Shirt and Full pants

  • 3. Junior college

  • Girls & Boys: Shirt and full pants

  •  Black Double Velcro shoes with black socks.
  • Proper badge & belt should be worn.
  • During rainy season, students may wear black rainy sandals. No slippers, chappals  will be permitted any day.
  • During winter, students should wear Navy blue sweaters.
  • Girl students having long hair should tie 2 plaints with black ribbons/black rubber band & with short hair should wear black hair bands.
  • Boys must have proper short haircut.
  • Students must have their nails cut short. No nail polish or mehendi should be applied.
  • Students should not wear finger rings, bracelets, chains or long hanging ear rings.
  • Parents should ensure that their children shall wear clean, tidy and well-ironed uniform every day.
  • P.T uniform as per house.
  • Sports uniform(Every Wednesday): as per house

II. Guidelines for Discipline

  • Students must come to school before 07:25 a. m. Students should be accompanied by their parents till the school gate only.
  • Students should not carry money, mobile phones, CDs and others materials which are not related to School Activites
  • Every student is expected to read 
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without intimating the class teachers.
  • Students should bring Chappatis & bhaji or such other healthy food and water bottle. They should get a napkin also. They should clean themselves and the place after eating.
  • Action will be taken for the acts of indiscipline ( late coming, misbehaviour in the school premises, not completing home work etc.)

Step 1:

  •  If a student is found indisciplined, the concerned teacher will send a written warning to the parents in the student's school diary which should be shown ot the same teacher the very day duly signed by the parent. In case of diary not being brought, it can be entered in the subject note book.

Step 2:

  • If the offence is repeated, it should be reported to the Principal along with the copy of  the first warning. Principal may call the parent and discuss about it or may give a second warning.

Discipline during School Hours :

  • Students should leave the class only with the permission of the teacher in the class.
  • Students should move in a single file towards left, hands tied back and silently without making any sound of the shoes while going to the Assembly / Labs / Library / for PT.
  • Students should reach the class after PT / Lab / Library period in time without getting late for the next class.

III. Attendance and leave

  • At least 75% attendance is essential.
  • Leave of absence in writing should be submitted to the Class Teacher.
  • No pupil suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be allowed to attend the school.

IV. Examination and promotion

As per the continous comprehensive evaluation adopted for classes 1 to VIII, students are evaluated under two heads -

  1. Formative evaluation
  2. Summative evaluation

Formative evaluation is done as under:

  • Daily observation / class work
  • Demonstration, experiments, activities etc.
  • Project work
  • Assignments / H. W. etc.
  • Class tests, open book tests etc.

Summative evaluation is done on the basis of I Semester and II Semester examinations.

The percentage of weightage given for Formative and Summative evaluation is as under:




Total per Semester

Oral / Practical


I & II










V & VI











For Classes IX & XI

For Class IX

There will be two unit tests for Std IX (one in the I Semester and one in the II Semester) and two semester examinations

For Class XI

There will be class tests and module tests, I Semester and II Semester examinations.

Based on the performance of the student in the tests and exams and internal assessment, HW, assignment, class test etc. student's average marks will be calculated for promotion.As per the circular from Education Department Maharashtra State, minimum 25% marks are required in the written examination for promotion.

For Classes X & XII

There will be one unit test in the I Semester, Semester exam at the end of the First Semester and two Preliminary Examinations before the Board Exam.

Rules for Examination:

All electronic devices(mobile phones, smart phones, smart watches, bluetooth devices) are strictly prohibited within the college premises.

Note to students:

  • Students breaching of any rules and regulations during examination is punishable with cancellation of the written paper and new answer paper will be provided.
  • .As per the policy of the education department, retest will be taken for students with low grades from class I to IX.
  • The results of the annual examination is final and will not be reconsidered under any circumstances.

Library Rules

  • Enter the library with the permission of the librarian.
  • Silence should be maintained in the library & library material should be used with care.
  • Minimum two books will be issued for a week.
  • Writing names, drawing figures or lines, writing comments in the books & tearing pages are strictly prohibited.

Laboratory Rules

  • Enter the laboratory with the permission of the teacher In-charge.
  • Observe silence in the laboratory during the practical classes.
  • Get acquainted with the laboratory equipments.
  • Handle the apparatus carefully.
  • Keep your working table neat and clean.
  • Do not disturb the arrangement of the apparatus.
  • Throw all the waste ( glass pieces, used filter papers, extinguished match sticks, Biological material, etc.) in the dust bin. Do not throw them in the sink.
  • Close the water taps and gas taps immediately after use.
  • Do not touch any chemical with your hands.
  • Carry only journal, writing materials with you in the laboratory.
  • Journals should be completed in time and the signature of teacher obtained before the next practical class.
  • Students should abide by the instructions of the teacher In-charge and the lab assistant.



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